Living Life Bravely: “This Is So Much Fun and It Is Not Even Over Yet”
This is one of a favorite pictures of Cadence savoring life at the YMCA splash pad during one of our “cousin camps”. She is as bright-eyed, brilliant, and loving today as she has always has been.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
- Robin Sharma
Some of the wisest words come from the youngest among us.
First, let me set the scene. About three years ago, my niece Cadence, who was seven years old, and my mom had been enjoying a relaxing Saturday morning. We had been shopping, and Cadence’s request for lunch was Sir Pizza. She knew where she wanted to go and confidently made this clear. We always take them to Sir Pizza when she and my nephew Cole are in town.
Sir Pizza is a taste of Randolph County to their mom and me. Even if they are just quickly driving through, their parents will often pick up a pizza to go. Their pizza is unlike any other have had elsewhere. Cadence and Cole have grown to love it as much as their mom, and I did growing up. It is the place we went to after high school football games. The place I have taken friends when they come to town. The place where I have had countless deep conversations with someone I came with or a friend or community member I had the pleasure of just bumping into there. Sir Pizza of Asheboro is also one of the first places I crave to return to when I’ve been away from home for a while.
But that Saturday, as we entered, Cadence exclaimed with delight:
“This is so much fun and it is not even over yet!”
Her words and obvious delight flooded me with joy. Yes, it was also the way she conveyed her happiness with her non-verbally as she was vibrating with exuberance. All of this made this moment even more memorable, and her irresistible cuteness impressed on my mind.
But it was also the spirit with which she said it. Mom and I laughed heartedly. And the cast was set. This quote has become one of my favorite quips. Now, when I spend time with Cadence, and even when she is not around, my family and I remind one another, “This is so much fun, and it is not even over yet.” Cadence grins every time we remind her of this, and subtly and not so subtly, we weave it into conversation. Even as I asked her permission to share this blog post with you, she affirmed, “Of course you can.” She knows what she said melted me then, and I have shared that it continues to encourage me. I want to live out what this quote means.
I want to bring this energy into this life. This truth has shifted my outlook, and I’m confident it can also do the same for others.
If you are taking a breath, it can do the same for you.
I get it. It is easy to become overwhelmed with the work of life. The tediousness of it all can distract us from the wonder.
The ways we suffer can bog us down in ways words can fail us. And hectic days can become so routine that it is only when things slow down that we realize how much we are running on empty. I have known those seasons.
I remember some of my most challenging days when my children were small, but that smile and look of delight on my child’s face reminded me they were doing well, and I was, too, even though the evidence of hardness was all around me.
Reflecting on them from this season, where I am more rested, and there are no littles in the house dictating my rising and schedule, I remember those days vividly.
I also remember the days filled with endless school work, my eyes glazing over from staring at the screen or reading the same sentence repeatedly. Then, realizing it had been hours since I had sat down. It had been hours but felt like moments. In those moments, it is hard to say, “This is so much fun,” or that we are glad “that it is not even over yet.” Suffering can make us want to rush time. But as I reflect on the periods of suffering and hardship, I’m thankful I had the experience of enduring and that it has led me here. Countless moments primed me with a deep appreciation of this simple and profound truth she expertly conveyed that day.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” - Robin Sharma
Cadence and I on the day she was born. Obviously I was smitten by her from the beginning. And now Cadence has just had her 10th birthday.
Even in challenging moments, we can create a spirit of gratitude and fun. Our minds influence us through how they work, and setting this intention and practicing being filled with anticipation of what is ahead can change everything.
It can change dread to delight.
It can change fear into freedom.
It can turn our exhaustion into an epiphany.
I know this to be true.
This life is so much fun; thankfully, it is not over yet. And we are more prepared today than we have been in the past, given what we have learned up to this moment.
What will tomorrow bring?
What if you woke up tomorrow and reminded yourself of this phrase? What if you had it visible so it also became automatic for you? If I could replay the clip of that cute little prophet Cadence sharing it with you, I certainly would. But I’m confident that reminding yourself of this can be just as powerful –probably even more so. You can convince yourself better than anyone else.
Cadence resting up on day one.
So it is simple, but it is true. This life, in its simplest form, without the complicated layers of our expectations and societal pressures, is so much fun and is not even over yet.
I’m thankful for the ways we are connected. And please, please, please, next time I see you in person or we communicate digitally, remind me how much fun this is and how delightful our time together is not over yet.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I am just getting started in many ways. I want to live life bravely, ready to face and endure danger or pain, and courageously face today and the future.
If you have appreciated this reminder from Cadence and me, will you do us and others a favor and share it? And we look forward to hearing what you think and what you are doing to live out this truth.
Share your thoughts below or through the socials linked above!
Cadence at cousin camp 2017. She clearly loves her people and is good at creating joy.